




    • 按行業分析,就業人口主要集中在文娛******及其它服務業(23.0%)、批發及零售業(12.8%)、建築業(12.3%)和酒店及飲食業(11.0%)
    • 按職業分佈,27.1%是文員(包括賭場荷官、巡場、投注員等),其次是服務及銷售人員,占18.8%,而非技術工人占17.6%
    • 總體就業人口的每月工作收入中位數為7,708(澳門元,下同),而最多就業人口從事的文娛******及其它服務業的中位數為11,585元;
    • 工作時數方面,就業人口每週實際工作時數之中位數為46.9小時。



    • 按失業前所從事的行業分析,19.2%屬酒店及飲食業,而建築業、批發及零售業和製造業則分別占19.1%16.6%14.4%
    • 按失業前所擔任的職業分析,以服務及銷售人員最多,占29.3%,其次為非技術工人,占19.1%,而工業工匠及手工藝工人占15.5%


    Results of the 2nd Quarter 2007 Employment Survey

    The Statistics and Census Service released the results of the Employment Survey for the second quarter of 2007. Principal indicators such as the labour force participation rate, unemployment rate and underemployment rate have been published in the brief report in July.

    In the second quarter of 2007, total labour force was estimated at 305,600, of which 296,400 were employed and 9,200 unemployed, representing an increase of 12,400 workers in the employed population and a decrease of 100 in the unemployed population over the previous quarter.

    Regarding the employed population, 54.0% were male.

    • Analyzed by industry, the majority of the employed population were engaging in Recreational, cultural, gaming & other services (23.0%), Wholesale & retail trade (12.8%), Construction (12.3%), as well as Hotels, restaurants & similar activities (11.0%).
    • By occupation, 27.1% of the employed population were Clerks (including casino dealers, floorpersons, betting service operators, etc.); 18.8% were Service & sales workers and 17.6% were Unskilled workers.
    • The overall median monthly employment earnings was MOP7,708. For Recreational, cultural, gaming & other services that engaged the majority of the employed population, the median earnings amounted to MOP11,585.
    • The median actual hours worked per week was 46.9 hours.

    Within the unemployed, 88.4% were searching for a new job, while 11.6% had never worked and were searching for their first job. With regard to the educational attainment, 8.6% had lower than primary education; 23.1% had primary education; 33.5% had junior secondary education; 26.3% had senior secondary education and 8.5% had tertiary education.

    For the unemployed that were searching for a new job:

    • Analyzed by the previous industry engaged, the majority had worked in Hotels, restaurants & similar activities (19.2%), Construction (19.1%), Wholesale & retail trade (16.6%), as well as Manufacturing (14.4%).
    • In terms of the previous occupation, 29.3% were Service & sales workers, whereas Unskilled workers and Craftsmen & similar workers accounted for 19.1% and 15.5% respectively.
